Profiles Specify

The Profiles Specify Node allows you to enter a specified profile for a variable in each case. The defined profiles will be kept fixed during the optimization. This node can be used only when at least one variable is selected as Specify Profile in the Control Profile grid. If one or more variables are specified in this node, the optimization will be done with time (or volume or catalyst mass for PFR) fixed to the value entered in the Design Values node.

Grid Views


Grid Views

Profiles Specify

Profiles Specify

Here, you may enter the profiles for the variables selected as Specify Profile in the Control Profiles node. The grid is organized as follows:
  • The Data Point column is similar to the experimental data point. This column is used to add and delete the Data Points, which are the identifiers for each time point at which the profile is specified. The Data Point should be entered first before any other data for the row is entered. Data Points must be integers starting from 1, and they must be in an ascending order. Once a data point is entered, you cannot rename it. Data Points may be added directly or with the Add Data Point action.
  • The Time (or Volume/Catalyst Mass) column displays the time at each data point. It is important that the first point have time equal to zero, and for the last point the time value must coincide with the time Value entered in the Design Values → Specifications tab. This is to ensure that the profile is specified for the entire time duration.
  • The next columns constitute the sequence of all Specified Variables. Here, you may enter the value of each specified variable at the time point.
REX will linearly interpolate the specified variables at the integration points, based on the values provided at each data point.

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Add Data Points

Sort Data

Remove Gaps

Quick Run

Open Solver

Add Data Points

This action is used to add Data Points. It is possible to add as many Data Points you need at once. By executing Add Data Point action, a parameters dialog appears asking you for the number of Data Points to be added. Enter this information and click Ok to generate the datapoints for this case.

Sort Data

When Sort Data is executed, the data points are reorganized in ascending order of the discretized variable. This sort also ensures that datapoint consistency is maintained throughout the project.

Remove Gaps

When Remove Gaps is executed, gaps in the datapoint sequence are eliminated. For example, if you have consecutive datapoints 8,10,11 and 12, the points 10, 11 and 12 are renumbered as 9, 10, and 11 respectively. Again, the gap removal is done systematically throughout the project, thus ensuring that datapoint consistency is maintained.

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See Also: